Sunday, March 30, 2008

Changing Directions

I originally started this blog as a resource for entrepreneurs and investors. But after my second post, I moved my writing on that topic to a new blog directly linked with my company's website. This site sat fallow for over a year, but I have decided to revitalize it and take it in another direction.

I am a fan of random walks. When I was growing up, my family and I used to take "penny walks." The rules were that you started walking and when you got to a corner, you flipped a penny, and if it landed heads, you went right, and tails, you went left. This meant that you never knew where you were going or who you would meet.

While I don't flip a penny anymore, when I have free time, I like to take a meandering, directionless walk. I have nothing against a brisk, purposeful walk, but my preference is to mozy. If I mozy, then I have the freedom to strike up a conversation with anyone I meet along the way, or turn a stone to see if the newts are back in the spring. And while I might be giving up something on the exercise front, I gain a lot more from the experience.

Yesterday, I saw four Eastern Bluebirds.

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