Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ruthless Turkeys

Turkeys have made a comeback in Massachusetts and are a regular sighting around Holliston, but they are also making their way into more urban areas, such as Framingham. I saw this big tom, which has obviously escaped the Thanksgiving table for several years, on the drive through a well-established Framingham neighborhood.

The crime report in Holliston is usually pretty benign, but the turkeys can be quite vicious. The local police log, which is published weekly in the Holliston Tab, once included a report of an elderly woman who was trapped inside her house by a menacing turkey.

Before you doubt the ruthlessness of a turkey, check out the spurs on these legs.
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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Daffodils: The First Sign of Spring

For me, the arrival of daffodils represents the first official sign of spring. Yes, crocuses come up earlier, but they just don't have the same impact. Yellow is my favorite color and the daffodil my favorite flower.

My grandmother, Pearl Stainton McArthur, was an artist, who mostly painted still life. Growing up, I had a painting of hers hanging in my bedroom. The painting was of daffodils in a brown vase. Unfortunately the painting seems to have been lost to the family, but I still remember it in great detail and spring always brings back fond memories of my grandmother, one of the most gracious women who ever lived.
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